( By our ‘anti -War & Truth –editors’)

AMSTERDAM-NOIR-  Amerika & Nederland First in Klasse Justitie en Moorden: Trump scheldt celstraf oud-adviseur Snake in Suit Roger Stone kwijt. (VIDEO’s)

The lesson of the WW1 and WWII? ‘Industrialized mass murder by Dictators & ‘Presidents’ with help of the Desk Killers’ only STOP when People Wake up and accept the Truth(VIDEO’s) .

 Corrupte Zakkenvuller- Koningin Máxima privé Tête-à-tête op G20 met Saudische kroonprins & Massamoordenaar Salman(VIDEO’s) .

Volksnieuws voorspelde het al direct: It’s official & a damning indictment, the Covid-19 lockdown has made the rich vastly richer and poor vastly poorer(VIDEO’s)

‘US&EU-Taxfree-War Crime -Steel The OIL & Gold and Kill the Pour People  –Elite – national -security’ with Presidents puppets ‘OIL Vampire -Bush’, Pedo-Rapist-Bill Clinton, &”Uncle Tom”- Obama& Mad Dog Red Neck Trump & #Metoo -Joe Biden and there  EU-puppets the Boys Macron& Rutte& Johnson  has turned into a  trillion dollar  ‘Taxfree-Royal- Snake in Suit-racket’.  Fake Enemies Like Russia, Iran, Cuba and China  and bogeymen are invented with monotonous regularity to justify massive budgets and kickbacks to  Snake in Suits-insiders with the help of the psychopath Desk Killers Like the Dutch ‘PvdA- Elite-Prostitute Gerdi Verbeet ‘ . But with so much domestic US&EU- Black Life mater& ‘Der Endlösung -Corona -Bom-virus’ turmoil how long can this  War Mongol trillion dollar Snake in Suit swindle go on?Host Ross Ashcroft is joined by investigative historian and journalist Gareth Porter to discuss the state of national security and how the US’ track record on foreign policy has got us into this mess.

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