(From our Wake Up Editors)

AMSTERDAM-NOIR- Zorgtoeslag- Maffia Boss -Rutte’ en zijn D66&CDA&CHU- loopjongen’ ‘Corona -pluk de massa kaal’ net als in Afrika  en laat de Taxfree-Ultra-Rijken-Elite-Gangsters’ hun zakken nog meer vullen ‘Misdasige-Maatregelen’(Video’s):  Ook studenten en ondernemers en oudere vaker afhankelijk van ‘Rode Kruis- voedselhulp’, ‘Leve de  ‘Taxfree- Miljardair  King Willem’ en Parasieten  familie ‘Prinses Yab Yum Mabel’ (Video’s)  en’ Zakkenvuller Prins Amalia’(video’s) en ‘Huisjesmelker Prins Bernhard’ (Video’s) . 
Ondanks Coronacrisis is vermogen Prinses Mabel & King Willem & Prins Bernhard bijna verdubbeld. ‘Hofnar Rutte’:Ik ben trots op mijn  ‘Taxfree-Royals’ (Video’s’) .

Wat u niet ziet bij de Staats ‘AIVD-NPO’ en de ‘Goldman en Sachs –MI6-BBC’ en ‘CIA-CNN’(Video’s) : ‘World Economic-Taxfree-Elite-Gangsters- Forum’ Covid-19 ‘Police- State – CDA Gestapo-General Grapperhaus- lockdowns ‘improved cities all over the world for us the ‘Killer-(War Crime)-Elite’ and Endlösung of the poor and Freedom of the People’.

The ‘WEF-Super-Elite-Gangsters’  became a Devil-lightning rod for controversy in the past year as the elitist Mass-Killer- group’s founder, Klaus Schwab, seized on the Covid-19  Endlösung he poor and  the Freedom of the People pandemic as a “narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.” Schwab advocates a “reset of our economic and social foundations,” which would involve more globalized  ‘Taxfree-Snake in Suits- War Crime- Steel the OIL and Gold-governments, building greener infrastructure and reforming  the Blood Vapire -capitalism in pursuit of more “equitable outcomes.” The corrupt Politicians like Biden aand his EU Puppets Macron, Rutte en Johnson  dismissed concerns over the Great Reset, and the New York Times called it a “baseless conspiracy theory. The US-Taxfree-Killer-Elite  Puppet ”Canadian Prime Minister  Boy- Justin Trudeau was among the politicians who called the Great Reset a “conspiracy theory,” after he was shown on video speaking of the pandemic as an opportunity to accelerate a “reset” of economic systems.

Underground Presentator van de Stem van de Straat/SaltoTV ing Steve Brown’ legt hierna historisch uit waarom de  ‘Taxfree-King Willem’ en zijn ‘Prins Bernhard -Huisjesmelker –Parasieten – familie’  en de ‘Taxfree-Heersende Klasse’ en hun hoge ‘Rat in pak- ambtenaren’ en  corrupte Rechters  en OVj’s nooit worden vervolgd(Video’s)  : 

Hoofd infectieziekte GGD boos op programma All you need is-(Corona)- love, maar niet op haar Elite-Gangster-Bazen Halsema &Hugo de Jong & King Willem & Big Pharma(Video’s).

Slavoj Zizek feat. Rammstein: ‘We have to live till we die’ is the Covid-era inspiration we all need.
One piece of wisdom the media bombards us with is that the Covid-19 pandemic taught us about our mortality and biological limitation: we should abandon our dreams about dominating nature and accept our modest place in it.Is there a more sobering lesson than being humiliated and reduced to near-impotence by a virus, a primitive self-reproductive mechanism which some biologists don’t even count as a form of life? No wonder that calls for a new ethic of modesty and global solidarity abound.But is this the true lesson to be learned here? What if the problem with living in the shadow of a pandemic is exactly the opposite: not death but life, a strange life that drags on, allowing us neither to live in peace nor to quickly die?

Slavoj Zizek: We’re at a grim crossroads in this pandemic: one path leads to utter despair, the other to total extinction
Rammstein – Dalai Lama

So, what should we do with our lives in this predicament?
Maybe the Rammstein song “Dalai Lama” indicates the right answer. The song is vaguely based on Goethe’s “Der Erlkönig” (“King of the Elves”), a poem which tells of a father and son riding a horse when the wind begins to hypnotize the child, who eventually dies. In the song, the child is on an airplane with his father; as in the poem, the travellers are menaced by a mysterious spirit which “invites” the child to join him (though only the child can hear it). However, in the poem, the alarmed father rides for help, holding the child in his arms, only to find that his son is dead; in Rammstein’s song, it is the father himself who causes the child’s death.

‘Kerst -Slaap zacht-Zorg toe( slag)-spraak-King Willem’ is Deja Vu : ‘Taxfree-Koning Willem’ benadrukt in toespraak samenwerking Elite in Zakkenvullen en Belasting ontduiken.(Video’s) 

Jesse Ventura and Brigida Santos discuss the latest SCOTUS decision over the concentration of even more wealth in the hands of  Devil Taxfree-Killer-billionaires Like Monsters Jeff Bezos & ‘dr. Mengele Devil- Elon& CIA – Tesla-Musk’ (Video’s) en the Dutch ‘Taxfree-VOC-SS-King Willem’ and ‘dr. Goebbels Soros’& his Dutch Whore Prinses Mabel, etc..

The teachings of Marx are the best hope for US& EU beaten-up& Killed working class(Labbekakken) in the ‘Human-Corona- Zoo’. Rutte&’Pedo-Kees van der Spek’: Die Labbekakken moeten niet zeuren(Video’s) 

Tot Slot: US- & NLSchurkenstaat’:Trump exit en geeft al zijn ‘Elite-Maffia-vriendjes & familie’ & Oorlog misdagers Gratie & ‘Taxfree-King Willem- Zorgtoeslag-Afpers Misdaadgroep Rutte’(Video’s).

Verzetsheld & Underground Presentator van de Stem van de Straat/Salto ing Steve Brown’ sinds 2006 Vogelvrij verklaard voor het plegen op hem en nog te plegen van Moordaanslagen& Bedreigingen& Laster en Smaad  door AIVD&OM&Politie- informanten ‘Hoerenjong- Bruine-Rat- Bas van Hout'(Video’s)  en ‘Pedo-Rapist- Peter R. de Vries’ op Brown  en Gek verklaard door het corrupte  OM-Amsterdam , c.q. Mr .W.J. Nijkers ( Hoofd- (Doofpot)- Beleid &Strategie ( misdadige) officier van justitie) . Zie de schokkende Video hierna in dit verband:


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