(By our ‘anti -War & Truth –editors’)

 AMSTERDAM-NOIR- Anti Racisme & Politiegeweld & Trump Massademonstratie wekt woede: Grapperhaus:‘Dit is klap in gezicht door Halsema van ons Barbaric Kapitalisme & Trump ’(VIDEO’s).

De hele reactionaire -Red Neck politiek- en hun ‘dr. Goebbels -Media outlet’s rolt als Tanks over Keizerin Halsema van Amsterdam heen en eist haar Kop, omdat zij niet de Dam had schoongeveegd zoals het Chinese regiem het Tiananmen Square toen der tijd op had gedaan en ‘Mad Dog Trump’ nu dagelijks doet als hij een wandelingetje wil maken voor fotootjes van hem zelf. Hoe onuistaanbaar en hautain en politiek verwerpelijk wij Keizerin Halsema vinden, maar deze keer is zij de Held van Amsterdam.

Coward Trump’ tells governors to DOMINATE ‘rioters’, while scared in ‘Bom-free-Bunker’ under White house & shooting rubber bullets on peaceful Demonstrators with Bible in his Devil hand for a Church(VIDEO’s).

Complot denkers gelijk:Taxfree- Royal-Ultra-Rijken & Multinationals de Elite-Maffia- Bazen van de Wereld&’Mad Dog Trump’ Aapt Mussolini na( Schokkende  Video beelden).

Ex CIA director ‘Psych Pompeo’ warns Emperor Jinping over interference with ‘US-CIA& Dutch-AIVD- journalists’ in Hong Kong& ‘The Donald’s Opium –China-Trade’(VIDEO’s).

Yesterday the US-Taxfree-War Crime & Steel  the Oil & Gold Killer-Elite with there puppet ‘Mad Dog-KK-Trump aka “Mussolini”remembered Tiananmen Square that the tanks and military vehicles and soldiers where rolling and marching and shooting on the Square while the same is happing now in the US on orders of Mad Dog Trump aka “ Mussolini”.

Looting is the price of freedom!’ Crazy-Washington& ‘Red Neck-Dictator Trump ‘&EU Slave States has conveniently forgotten its cynical advice to post-invasion Iraq(VIDEO’s).

War Criminal -Blair’ is just like the Devils Rutte, Maxima Gates &Trump& Child Killer-Albright the last persons to advise on the safety of our children… I saw his demonic ‘Pedo- grin’ when he heard about dead Iraqi kids(VIDEO’s) .

Call GRILL MORGAN ORTAGUS,  'dr Goebbels-US-STATEDEPARTMENT SPOKESPERS.Privet Poesy ‘consult’ only by appointment: 2000 dollar a our.
Call girl Morgan Ortagus, ‘dr Goebbels-US-State Department Spokespers.Private Pussy ‘consult’ only by appointment: $2000  an hour.

CRAZY PRESS STATEMENT  BY CALL GRILL MORGAN ORTAGUS,  ‘dr Goebbels-Department  smoker’s on June 3 , 2020:
Today we honor the brave Chinese people whose peaceful calls for democracy, human rights, and a corruption-free society came to a violent end when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) sent the People’s Liberation Army into Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989, armed with tanks and guns. While the Tiananmen protests inspired the oppressed in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to demand and achieve democratic change, the Chinese communist government survived with oppressive control of information and sheer brutality.Thirty-one years later, the total number of missing or dead Tiananmen protesters is still unknown. The United States continues to applaud their aspirations, and the American people stand with the families still grieving their lost loved ones, including the courageous Tiananmen Mothers who have never stopped seeking accountability for their children’s deaths, despite great personal hardship and risk. We reiterate our call for a full, public accounting of those killed or missing.We mourn the victims of June 4, 1989, and we stand with the people of China who continue to aspire to a government that protects human rights, fundamental freedoms, and basic human dignity.”