(By George Galloway and Steve Brown)
AMSTERDAM-NOIR-  Psychopath Statement by Ex CIA Mass Murder& Drugs Dealing- Secretary Pompeo on the World Press Freedom while Killing Assange &Free Press(VIDEO’s)


Devils-Unstoppable rise of intel agency favourite Keir Starmer shows how UK ‘Elit-Taxfree-Royal-Pedo- Fake-democracy’ really works

‘Elite Criminal’  ‘Sir Pedo- Lynch the poor People -MI6- Keir Starmer’s’ links with an ‘Pedo-Rapots-intelligence chief ‘add to his controversies as DPP
More information is emerging about Labour’s new ‘Taxfree-Royal-Pedo-Prince Edward-Killer-Elite leader puppet ‘Sir-MI6- Keir Starmer’. Before entering politics he was the director of public prosecutions Kangaroo Court  (DPP). During his tenure as DPP he made several controversial rulings. Now new evidence has emerged linking him with an intelligence chief. And there was a shared interest between the pair in surveillance technology and Little Boy’s& ‘Prince Andrew -Little -Girls'(VIDEO’s).

RT is een must voor elke  kritische  nieuwsvolger . Wij vergelijken bijna  ieder dag de corporate crime& Staats Westerse Mainstream Media ‘CIA-CNN’& ‘Red Neck- Fake -FOX News’& ‘AIVD-NPO’& ‘MI6-BBC’  met wat RT daar over publiceert. Op die manier achterhalen wij de waarheid . U ook? Zo niet dan raden wij u aan om dat eens te gaan doen en dan verzekeren wij u dat door de bril van RT  de ‘Westerse mainstream-(CIA&AIVD& MI6)- media’ lachwekkende leugenaars zijn in dienst van de ‘Taxfree-Royal-Pedo Rapist-Killer Elite- Klasse’: “In post-Iraq invasion world, it’s absolutely insane  to blindly believe the ‘US-Taxfree-War Crime-Steel the OIL&Gold Pedo-Redo-Rapist- Killer-Elite’  with puppet psychopaat Pompeo narrative on China“.

Free Press? Dr. Goebbels Labour letter demands RT UK’s license gets REVOKED in light of ‘damning’  Fake- MI6-Russia report that gave NO examples or proof and don’t demands stopping Lynch-Prosecution and Killing Assange  for ‘Mad Dog- Red Neck-Pedo-Rapist- Trump(Video’s).

War Criminal -Blair’ is just like the Devils Rutte, Maxima Gates & Trump & Child Killer-Albright the last persons to advise on the safety of our children… I saw his demonic ‘Pedo- grin’ when he heard about dead Iraqi kids(VIDEO’s).

The descent to apostasy in the corrupt  UK Labour Party of Sir Keir Starmer continues at such a pace it would come as no surprise if he were to expel his predecessor in whose shadow cabinet he sat without public complaint. Oh wait… Seems that’s already underway.Full disclosure: I joined the corrupt Labour Party at the age of 13, in 1967, and was in it until expelled by War Crimenal and Firts US-Killer-Elite ‘Poodle Tony Blair’ over the Iraq War 36 years later. Now, I wish for its total destruction and for a hundred different reasons.

dr. Goebbels Labour letter calling to revoke RT’s license is ‘devastating’ proof of UK war on free press 

Er is geen verschil tussen ‘Sir Pedo Rapist –MI6- Keir Starmer en Trump’s Poedel Boris Johnson(Video’s). Het Engelse Volk is redeloos verloren!

Neither is this apostasy a product of ‘Sir Pedo Rapist –MI6- Keir Starmer’s Blairite orientation. The first proscription of the corrupte dr Goebbels Labour MPs appearing on RT was made not by the Blairites but by the Trotskyite John McDonnell, shadow chancellor and right-hand man to Jeremy Corbyn.Labour is well down that staircase now, and so I was as shocked as the Claude Rains character in Casablanca on discovering there was gambling going on in Rick’s Cafe when in response to the busted ‘Russia Report’, Labour decided to go full Jolly George.Though whereas the British Labour movement sank the Tory plan to dispatch the good ship Jolly George to help in their invasion of Russia a hundred years ago by refusing to load it, this time it is the Labour Party which wants to sink RT and the Tories who will, for a variety of reasons, block such a ban.Apostasy against what, I hear you asking. Well, this. In a free country, freedom of expression is sacrosanct. How else in a democracy can leaders be held to account, prevented from committing crimes against their own people, or others? A media, free to differ from the government is a sine qua non surely? An opposition demanding the destruction of media pluralism is like the turkey volunteering for an early Christmas. In a free market democracy, surely the market must decide who gets viewers and who does not?As the great English man of letters Dr Johnson once said, “the grimmest dictatorship of them all is the dictatorship of the prevailing orthodoxy.” Banning television stations in 2020 is of course a fool’s errand. The book they tried to ban always goes to the top of the Best Seller List. The only people further degraded and diminished by this sojourn into the realms of the ridiculous are the increasingly misnamed “Labour Party with there dr. Goebbels Leader Puppet ‘Sir Pedo-Rapist-MI6-Keir Stramer’.En als uitsmijter :” Pechthold &King Willem:”Dood aan de Russen”: Het andere gezicht van de Russen :Yuri Scherbakov “German declared War.(VIDEO’s)

Armoede is geen Natuurverschijnsel en de zwaar door de AIVD en zijn informanten John van den Heuvel en Peter R de Vries en Bas van Hout (Video) bedreigde  Underground Presentator Steve Brown van de Stem van de Straat-Amsterdam-Noir/SaltoTV Premier van NL:

Tot Slot: Maar denkt u nou niet dat de extreme  armoede en uitzichtloosheid en onderdrukking door de ‘NSB-Killer-Politie’ (VIDEO’s) van een grote deel van het Amerikaanse Volk ook niet voorkomt in het ‘MOOIE- VVD-(Pedo)-Doeners- Land’ (VIDEO’s) van het regiem  ‘Taxfree-Shell-Rutte’ en zijn ‘PLO- Kaag-D66 DDR66′ (VIDEO’s) & ‘CU-Incest-Bijbel-belt’-Bende.Wij besluiten dit artikel met het Volkslied:”Ain’t Got No Life” van alle Labbekakken van welke kleur en/of seksuele geaardheid en/of geloof dan ook in de Wereld(VIDEO’s)

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(George Galloway was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years. He presents TV and radio shows (including on RT). He is a film-maker, writer and a renowned orator. Follow him on Twitter @georgegalloway)

(ing Steve Brown is Underground Presentator Stem van de Straat, Hoofdredacteur Volksnieuws uit Amstderdam-Noir , Bestseller Auteur, Volksgangster& Verzet’s Held, Vlogger, Coffeeshop oprichter/eigenaar The Happy Family,Veronica Presentator Zware Jongens, Bijzonder Hoogleraar Media Maffia, Klaprecht jurist, Streetreporter,Bestseller auteur, Maatschappelijk werker,Regisseur, Programmamaker. Bedenker van het ‘Rat in Pak Elite-Gangster Billboard’(VIDEO’s), Klokkenluider,slachtoffer Moord &AIVD& politie-aanslag Judas-Informanten ‘Hoerenjong -Bruine Rat- Bas van Hout’ en ‘Junkie-Hoerenloper-Peter R. de Vries & ‘Ratje- Jaknikker Jeroen Pauw’, ‘Staats-AIVD-NPO’ en de Persgroep Parool. Volkskrant, NRC en Algemeen dagbald(Video), etc,etc, etcetera)) Steve Brown travel true the hole world ass Leader of the Happy Family and there after in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Golden Triangle, Nigeria, etc., where no tourist can come and talked wit Generals, Drugs lords, Ministers en Kings and Tribal leaders. Brown hold a degree in social science and a degree in Law of the University of Amsterdam and spent three months in jail as suspect of murder and member of the crime group from the Serbian Jocic the Crime-King of Amsterdam(Video) and he survived three Murder attempt on in his life.)