(By Robert Bridge and Steve Brown)

AMSTERDAM-NOIR- ‘Poolse –(SS)-Elite’ gaat na ‘Eren-Monument’ voor Hitler in Warschau er ook één plaatsen voor Heil Timmermans& Boy Macron moest rennen voor zijn corrupte leven. Pedo-Kees van der Spek: Blijf met je ‘Gele Hesjes-tengels’ af van  Macron&Rutte en eet meer Tijgervlees net zoals ik en neuk de arme te jonge meisjes(Video) voor een Dollar.

Despite Mad Dog Killer- Trump’s pledge to ‘drain the swamp’ and reduce the ‘US-Killer-Elite -Steel the OIL- military’s-global –footprint’, a chief architect of the 2003 Iraq  ‘Steel the OIL-War’ has the ear of the Grazy ‘War Mogul-White House’ on Iran. What could possibly go wrong?

Genocide Survivors Demand ‘War Criminal Elliott Abrams’ aka the “US- Eichmann” from Trump Leave Holocaust Committee Board(Video) 

‘Psycho-Snake-Abrams’, Trump’s Venezuela Point Man, has spent his criminal life crushing democracy with mass-killing& drugs dealing(Video)

As Puppet ‘Mad Dog Killer- Donald Trump’s’ first term dwindles, it appears his new campaign slogan will be “if you can’t beat the swamp, join it.” That much seems evident not only from the  ‘Mad Dog-Killer-Trump -administration’s’ courting of diehard hawks – gung-ho guys like War Criminal Elliott Abrams and  ex CIA Boss Mass Killer en Drugs dealing Fat-man-Mike Pompeo – but by the recent news that psychopath David Wurmser was offering counsel to the extremely dangerous psychopath  ‘SS- John Bolton’, former National Security Advisor for the ‘Tax-free-Ultra-Rich-Elite-gangsters’ to the Grazy War ‘Mogul White House’.



It should be briefly recalled that Wurmser – who has worked for a number of dr. Goebbels- think tanks, including the influential American-SS- Enterprise Institute – contributed heavily to the report that argued Iraqi Pyscho Killer- Little Mad Dog President Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction. That claim was eventually proven to be false, but not before a whole lot of damage was done. The outcome of the disastrous 2003 Iraq War that followed in the wake of that ‘bad intelligence’ is well documented by now, with the Iraqi people still suffering the consequences.


Psychopath Wurmser gets another chance to commit crimes against Humanety generally and special agianst poor people.

According to journalist Eli Lake, psychopath Wurmser built the case for “regime disruption” against Iran in a series of memos sent to Psycho Bolton in May and June 2019, a period when tensions between Tehran and Washington were peaking in the Persian Gulf. Lake, who says he was privy to the memos thanks to a high-level source, provides a glimpse into Wurmser’s hawkish thought processes, revealing he told Bolton that offensive military action against Iran would “rattle the delicate internal balance of forces… which the regime depends for stability and survival.”On another occasion, after Iran had downed a US drone, Wurmser suggested in a memo (dated June 22) a retaliatory attack “on someone like Soleimani or his top deputies.” Judging by Bolton’s well-known aggressive stance on Iran, however, he probably did not require much convincing from Wurmser to go after Tehran with both guns blazing.The revelation that Wurmser was feeding Bolton advice sheds a much-needed light – albeit an opaque one – on Trump’s inexplicable decision in early January to “take out” General Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force. That high-risk ‘Elite-Maffia-Killer-move’, carried out on the territory of Iraq, prompted Tehran to respond days later with calibrated strikes on two ‘US-Taxfree-Killer-Elite- Steel the Oil- military -bases’ inside of Iraq. Today, the situation remains volatile as rhetoric between the two sides has replaced – at least for the time being – outright violence.

How ‘EU-Tax-free- War Crime-Killer-Elite’ betrayed Iran: By triggering JCPOA dispute mechanism, ‘EU-Killer-Elite’ helps Mad Dog Killer-Trump finish criminal job of killing the Iran nuclear deal.


Now the question: what could have compelled Puppet ‘Mad Dog –Killer Trump’ the NO 1 Terrorist of the World(Video) to place any trust in Wurmser, whose resume reads like that of a bull in a china shop? One possibility is that Trump had no idea Wurmser was feeding Bolton and other members of his ‘Grazy War Mogul- administration’ what amounted to yet more regime change shenanigans in the Middle East. This seems plausible considering the contradictory messages the  Grazy ‘War Mogul-White House ‘ was sending immediately following Soleimani’s cold-blooded murder.

 Poetin: We’ll shut your filthy ‘US-EU-(SS)-Killer-Elite-mouth ‘:Russia will combat the rewriting of WWII history with free-to-all archive center. DD66′ DDR66 -Mega-Fraudeur-Sophie in ‘t Veld’ aka de “Hoer van de EU” brengt de Hitlergroet in EU parlement(Video),zie hierna:


The corrupt Secretary of State Mass Killer Fat-man- Mike Pompeo, for example, claimed the ‘US-Killer-Elite’ had specific Fake information on “imminent” Iranian attacks “against American facilities, including American embassies [and] military bases.” Trump, meanwhile, didn’t sound any more confident with regards to the “imminent threat” of an Iranian attack when he told Fox News, “probably it was going to be the embassy in Baghdad.”Stranger yet, Defense Steel the OIL-Secretary Spycho Mark Esper, perhaps being more forthcoming than is usual for a ‘US-SS-Killer-Elite-military- man'(Video) with secrets to protect, admitted “I didn’t see [evidence], with regard to four embassies” being targeted for attack by Iran. Esper eventually came around to saying that he “shared the president’s view” of an imminent attack from Iran.It seems plausible that the Trump administration could not get its story straight on where the information about Iran and an “imminent attack” had originated, because admitting it had derived from ‘the swamp’ would not have sat well with their voters. That is certainly no small consideration in an election year.

Why court Nazi-neocons in the first place?

When Trump hired John Bolton as his National Security Advisor in March 2018, he wasn’t just opening the corridors of power to the notorious hawk, as he may have imagined. The US leader opened the door to all of Bolton’s former colleagues and confidants who share Bolton’s dangerous obsession with going to war with Iran. It is worth pondering whether Trump was compelled to hire Bolton because he understands he is not at liberty to abandon ‘the swamp’ as it simply wields too much power in Grazy War Mangul-Washington.What is more likely is that Puppet ‘Mad Dog-Killer- Trump’ overestimated himself, believing that he was smart enough to stay one step ahead of Psycho Bolton and his swamp contacts – like shadowy Washington insider Wurmser, who in 1996 co-authored another report, entitled, ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.’ Drafted specifically for incoming Israeli Prime Minister War Criminal  Benjamin Netanyahu, the paper promoted the idea of preemptive strikes against Iran and crimes against HumanetySo why did Trump even assume the risk of being wrong? Why not bring in some fresh red-blooded conservative policymakers who genuinely want to see ‘US-Killer-Elite Steel The OIL- troops’ extracted from quagmires around the Middle East and North Africa? Why all this talk about ‘draining the swamp’ when the worst of the swamp creatures are awarded such powerful positions? Perhaps Trump imagined that Bolton’s mustachioed scowl would be enough to bring enemies to the negotiating table – gaining “leverage” before confronting your opponents, as Trump advised in ‘Art of the Deal.’

Whatever the case may be, the ‘US-Taxfree- Klier-Elite’   leader Puppet ‘Mad Dog-Kliller-Traump’ seriously underestimates the fact that there are people out there – the Elite-Criminals  ohn Boltons and David Wurmsers of the world – who are not looking for the ‘deal of the century’. These people have spent their entire careers lobbying for ‘SS-military’ confrontation and ‘Steel the Oil- regime change’, as War Criminal  General Wesley Clark revealed with the “seven countries in five years” plan. They will pull any trick in the book to get their wars – and all of the lucrative defense contracts that follow.Although Trump may have squeaked by – so far – without full-blown military confrontation in places like North Korea, Syria and Venezuela, sooner or later he may get a bad roll of the dice. In fact, he may already have gambled wrongly with the warmongers he allowed into his administration, thereby setting Iran and the United States, and possibly the world, on a deadly crash course.  In that case, Trump would have nobody to blame but himself.

Hero of the People Tusi Gabberd(Video): Say No To ‘Regime Steel The Oil- Change Wars’, Cold-SS- War(Video), Nuclear War form the ‘US-Taxfree-Killer-Elite with Puppets like Trump and his ‘EU Slave- Boys Macron, Rutte& Boris Johnson’.

(ing Steve Brown is Underground Presentator Stem van de Straat, Hoofdredacteur Volksnieuws uit Amstderdam-Noir , Bestseller Auteur, Volksgangster& Verzet’s Held, Vlogger, Coffeeshop oprichter/eigenaar The Happy Family,Veronica Presentator Zware Jongens, Bijzonder Hoogleraar Media Maffia, Klaprecht jurist, Streetreporter,Bestseller auteur, Maatschappelijk werker,Regisseur, Programmamaker. Bedenker van het ‘Rat in Pak Elite-Gangster Billboard’ ,Klokkenluider,slachtoffer Moord &AIVD& politie-aanslag Judas-Informanten ‘Hoerenjong -Bruine Rat- Bas van Hout’ en ‘Junkie-Hoerenloper -Peter R de Vries& ‘Ratje- Jaknikker Jeroen Pauw’, ‘Staats-AIVD-NPO’ en de Persgroep Parool. Volkskrant, NRC en Algemeen dagbald(Video) , etc,etc, etcetera))

 (Robert Bridge is an American writer and journalist. He is the author of the book, ‘Midnight in the American Empire,’ released in 2003)